
So, a while back I added a smiley face tag to indicate the posts that I thought were particularly worth reading for people who are new to AMB. After a while it became clear that the smiley emoticon wasn’t going to work. I won’t bore you with the details, I would rather bore you with other things.

So instead I opted for a character that WordPress gives me as an option: ♥. So when you see ♥ in the tag cloud, you’ll know that it’s a post that I ♥. One that I’m proud of because I poured my ♥ into it, and that I think my fervent readers will ♥.

And, as always, if you don’t ♥ something I post here, if it makes you want to ♣ me; I would suggest that you make a snarky comment instead.

♥, Joe

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